GEL Engineering’s permitting and compliance engineers and scientists manage the complexities of air and environmental permits and help clients streamline compliance reporting.
Air Permitting & Compliance
Obtaining an air construction permit or air permit exemption is the first step in completing a new project or modifying an existing process. GEL Engineering begins by developing a detailed project emissions assumptions and calculations document. Then we thoroughly evaluate potentially applicable regulations to compile a complete air permit application package to submit to state and/or federal regulatory agencies. Following application submittal, GEL Engineering provides a comprehensive technical support system to respond to regulatory agency requests and negotiate the most effective streamlined air permit for your facility. After the air permit is issued, GEL Engineering can assist with complying with the monitoring, recording keeping, inspection, and reporting requirements.
Air Dispersion Modeling
Air dispersion modeling is used by state and/or federal regulatory agencies to confirm the compliance status of a facility’s air pollutant emissions. Air dispersion modeling predicts how pollutants are dispersed in the atmosphere from different pollution sources considering building influences, topography, meteorology, downwind distances, and other factors. GEL Engineering provides both screening and refined modeling services to evaluate a facility’s compliance status with National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) increments, and state toxic air pollution standards. An air dispersion modeling analysis is often required in conjunction with air permitting.
Air Emissions Inventories
State and federal agencies frequently require a facility-wide inventory for air emissions sources. Accurate estimates of actual emissions into the atmosphere are needed for reporting and calculating permit fees to regulatory agencies. These estimates need to include various types of emission sources, point, mobile, area, fugitive, and roof vents. GEL Engineering develops emission estimates using factors developed by EPA and state agencies, industry groups, equipment vendors, and site-specific test data. GEL Engineering prepared detailed assumptions and calculations to document the emission calculation methodology.
Air Pollution Control Evaluations and Performance Assessments
Achieving compliance with stringent air quality regulations often requires the use of air pollution controls on new or modified sources. GEL Engineering reviews available control technologies and provides a comprehensive technical and economic assessment to allow a facility to choose the best technology that fits its needs.
A case-by-case Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) analysis evaluates similar type sources to identify the MACT floor and conducts a beyond-the-MACT floor analysis. The MACT analysis includes a detailed review of pollution control equipment for technical and economic feasibility.
A Best Available Control Technology (BACT) analysis is used to establish an emission limitation based on the maximum degree of reduction including the use of pollution control equipment, application of innovative production methods, or use of alternative raw materials on a case-by-case basis, considering energy, environmental, and economic impacts, and other costs.
After the air pollution control devices are installed, GEL Engineering prepares a source testing plan for approval by the regulatory agency. Emissions testing provides valuable information that can be used for air permitting, regulatory compliance demonstrations, evaluation of air pollution control performance, process efficiency studies, and continuous emission monitoring certification. GEL Engineering can provide valuable guidance to assist with compliance with the facility’s air permit limits.
Wastewater Discharge Permitting and Receiving Water Studies
Navigating the complex local publicly owned treatment works (POTW) and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulatory and permitting processes effectively can be difficult and frustrating. The GEL Engineering team has specialized technical expertise, local knowledge, field, and analytical resources, and monitoring and modeling capabilities to prepare complex permit application submittals. After the permit application submittal, we have relationships with state and local regulators to negotiate flexible permit terms and conditions.
Environmental Planning, Management, Reporting, and Compliance
GEL Engineering assists facilities with planning, management, and compliance with various federal and state environmental regulations including the following environmental media:
- Air Pollution,
- Water pollution,
- Aboveground and underground storage tanks,
- Solid and hazardous waste,
- Ozone depletion substances,
- Toxic substances, and
- Contingency, pollution prevention, and spill plans.
GEL Engineering determines the applicability of Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards and the SARA 313 regulations developed by the Department of Homeland Security and the Emergency Planning Community Right-to-Know Act. The evaluation includes a detailed site inspection and a thorough review of environmental records.
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