Water | Soil | Sediment | Tissue

Diverse Services

Our company provides a wide range of analytical testing to customers worldwide.

Technical Excellence

With over 200 highly trained laboratory professionals, we have the expertise to help solve even the most challenging environmental problems.

Customer Satisfaction

Our customer-first approach allows our clients to reach out to the technical specialists managing their projects to find the information and solutions they need promptly.

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Whether you need organic, inorganic, wet chemistry, radiochemistry or radiobioassay testing, look to GEL Laboratories for your comprehensive analytical testing needs. For more than three decades, we have delivered defensible data on time to a diverse range of clients.

Request a Laboratory Quote

You can request a laboratory quote by filling out our online form. Once you complete the form, we will contact you with any questions and provide a quote for your project.

Request a Quote Now

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How we can help you solve your unique challenge with our breadth of expert services.

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